This year's Great Moon Gathering is one that will never be forgotten in the hearts of those who were able to attend and participate.  From the diverse workshops and opportunities for growth and learning - to the magic that occurred between   educators, community members and visitors, Fort Albany and Peetabek Academy hosted an extraordinary event.  Special guests Joseph Boyden, The Tragically Hip and Shelagh Rogers (only to name a few) brought with them an unforgettable energy of enthusiasm and support and have expressed immense gratitude for the generosity and welcome that came from the heart of the community.  Please take a moment to read the following articles, watch the awesome youtube video and peek at some of the photos from the event.  The Paquataskamik Project team maintained a strong voice and presence throughout the conference and move forward with strong new alliances and exciting prospects for the coming rafting excursion - details TBA!!  Big thank you to Edmund and Joan for their tremendous efforts in organizing such an unforgettable gathering...

Article by Edmund Metatawabin (Maclean's Magazine):

Article by Wawatay News:

Joseph Boyden's Keynote Address (Maclean's Magazine):

Joseph & Amanda Boyden's Article (Maclean's Magazine)

Shelagh Rogers (The Walrus Blog):

Tragically Hip Youtube Vide:

Photos (Maclean's Magazine)
4/24/2012 08:20:58 am

Great info, thanks

7/15/2012 04:36:50 pm

nice post


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